Book Related

Ten Addictive Books That You Can Read in One Sitting

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted on The Broke and the Bookish.

This week’s theme revolves around books that can be read in one sitting. So I’ve compiled a list of books that maybe you can’t quite finish in a single sitting, but are definitely going to keep you so hooked that you want to sit down and just read them.

Let’s do this, shall we?


This book is so much fun and so addictive. It’s going to be such a hit with all of us nerdy folks around here.


This book is fairly short, which helps with the reading it in one sitting thing. But it’s a fast-paced, addictive plot that will keep you hooked from the moment you start until you’ve turned the last page.


This book takes on a lot of serious things, but remains easy to read and so addictive. The more you find out about the characters, the more you want to know how this book ends and what happens to all of them.


This is another relatively short read, but is super fast paced and easy to read and addictive.


This series is like a tv show on Netflix that isn’t the best thing you’ve ever seen, but you can’t quite seem to turn it off until you’ve watched the whole thing because you need to know what happens next.


This book is impossible to put down once you get going. Half the time, you had no idea what’s going on, or what’s going to happen, and you can’t put down the book until you’ve gotten all the way through to the end.


Agatha Christie is the queen of addictive mysteries. And this one is definitely my favourite.


This whole series is so addictive that you could probably read multiple of the books in one day, let alone just one.


This is a long book that you may not get through in one sitting, but it’s definitely going to keep you hooked until you’ve figured out the whole mystery.


I feel like this doesn’t even need an explanation.

33 thoughts on “Ten Addictive Books That You Can Read in One Sitting

  1. I’m reading Geekerella at the moment and couldn’t agree more! It’s very adorable.
    Also, your description for The Selection couldn’t be more accurate hahaha I haven’t read it yet but from the looks of it it’s exactly what I would pitch it as.

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  2. I really liked The Selection. It was fun and pretty light, considering that it does still take place in a dystopian world and there’s a war on.

    I read a sample of Geekerella and it sounded so good, but I just couldn’t connect with it. :/

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      1. I’ll finish them one of these days, but I didn’t like The Elite so much, which was weird after loving The Selection so much.

        Did you read the ones about her daughter? Would you say the trilogy or the duology is better? I’m not even sure if they’re separated like that.

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      2. I’ve read both America’s and her daughters. I’m not sure if they’re separated, but you definitely can read them as separate and it wouldn’t matter. I liked America’s books better by far, because I thought her daughter was a jerk. There are some great moments in both though.

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      3. That’s good to know. I hate leaving series unfinished, so I’ll get to Eadlyn eventually. Sucks that she’s such a brat, after all that her parents have gone through. You think she’d have turned out better.

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      1. Truly! I’ve read more of Lockhart’s books; not my thing. But I liked We Were Liars (because great plot twists are hard to find). And I met Lockhart at a library speech; she’s a great speaker, and I like her as a person; I just don’t like her writing style, although her plots are very good.

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      2. Yeah, she’s a great speaker, and talks about feminism in a way that doesn’t put down things women do that a lot of writers seem to avoid (like making main female leads enjoy makeup and dresses; it’s like they can’t be string if they enjoy those things). And her style is very pretty, and it worked for We Were Liars, but I couldn’t get into some of her other stories. Like in The Boyfriend List. (Although I may just be mad at the main character for saying anime movies were boring. Too weird or over the top, I could understand. But boring? No.) lol, I get way too fussy over small things.

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      3. That’s fantastic, and so good to hear. Oh goodness, I totally forgot about The Boyfriend List. I read that in early high school (like ten years ago), and I don’t remember ever finishing it or enjoying it. Being fussy is good, though! You know what you like!

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      4. Yeah, I just felt like the writing didn’t click with a somewhat immature highschool girl. If she were more mature, I would get it.
        And I was just like, “What? Okay, if he showed you anime movies, that probably includes a lot of Ghibli. And Ghibli isn’t for everyone; it’s weird and can be over the top! But boring? No! Even if you didn’t like them, you HAVE to admit they’re interesting!” And I think my being fussy with literature is the reason I don’t read many books I dislike…

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  3. And then there were none is one of the few classics that I want to read in my free time! It sounds so good, and it’s the basis for a lot of Detective Conan episodes, which I love. 😅

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  4. I don’t read books in one sitting. But I loved The Selection and Geekerella. I need to read The Academy Introductions. My friend recommended it. I personally hated We Were Liars so it took me longer to get through.

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    1. I rarely read books in one sitting. I don’t sit that long 😛 You should definitely read the Academy books – totally my guilty pleasure reads. I can see how people don’t like We Were Liars – it’s one of those books where it either works for you or it doesn’t.

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